The only RIP that is optimised for speed and Color accuracy..

Rip Family
Maximum Performance. effecient Data Delivery

High Res RIPs
The Express High Res RIP is for driving output devices or generating output files at up to 9900 dpi. The user can switch between the supported languages including English, Simplified, and Traditional Chinese.

Low Res RIPs
The Express Low Res RIP is for driving output devices or generating output files at up to 1500 dpi. The user can switch between the supported languages including English, Simplified, and Traditional Chinese.

The Express LLV RIP is available in a specific LLV edition with the user interface in a specific language. We have three LLV editions, namely – Chinese, Spanish and Indian. For example, the Simplified Chinese edition will display the user interface only in Simplified Chinese. LLV RIPs are also available in High Res and Low Res versions. Traditional Chinese.

Many companies building their machine are interested in having a distinctive user interface under their brand color. Compose offers those companies the possibility to private label the RIP or tie to a working system with their own brand image. Please contact us directly for detail. With a team of dedicated developers in-house. Compose is happy to integrate any print applications to the manufacturer’s hardware device, turn the machine into a much higher productivity machine. Putting them ahead of the competitors.
Compose System ltd
3C Gee Lok Industrial Building, 34 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon,Hong Kong
+852 28114228